Monday, July 8, 2019

Weeks 25-29: Australia, Oahu, California, Oregon, Montana ft. music

Sunrise over Hood
Finally back in the states after a round the world climbing trip. The past few months have been full of great rock climbing, catching up with old friends, meeting new friends, and exploring new places.

Climbing in Australia at the Grampians and the Blue Mountains was incredibly humbling. After not sport climbing in a few months, I realized the hard way that my endurance on routes is nonexistent. It was incredible to see Brandon and Aaron climbing at a much higher level and it's just inspiring to see how much better I can get. Even though I love traveling and climbing in new areas; I don't think it's the best way to get strong. Can't wait to train again and come back to some of these areas.

After Australia, I flew to Oahu for a few days before heading back to California. (cue Butthole Surfer's song Pepper) I met up with my childhood best friend Sam for some hiking and sushi. She even tried raw fish for the first time! Also, caught up with my WFR friend Ian and watched some surf. Did some more island bouldering with Ben, the surfer-climber-travel nurse. Packed up my bags with 7-11 to-go sushi/musubi/japanese goodies; and headed back to California.

Back home, I slept, a lot. (cue 21 Savage's song a lot)

Probably slept at least 10-14 hrs/day for my first 4 days home. So glad to be able to spend some time with family and friends. Met up with my old hiking buddy Nicole and another best friend Alex (who actually introduced me to climbing 4 years ago); revisiting some of my favorite places. So glad to have been able to grow up in such a beautiful area.

After a week sorting things out at home with my family while getting a little stir crazy without any outdoor climbing, I packed up my car and headed up to Portland, Oregon. Met up with my good friend Artem and his roommate Chad - took Artem on his first proper mountain climb of Mt Hood. Such a fun day and we had splitter weather too.

Drove up to Seattle and met up with a new friend from Nepal - Amanda. We reminisced about good times back in Namche Bazaar and had some great dinners. I made two trips to the Seattle Bouldering Project - probably my all time favorite gym I've visited so far. It has a moonboard, 2 treadwalls, cafe, bar, and 2 levels of fantastic setting. Also, caught up with my friend Kyle who moved from DC to Seattle and works at SBP. Sufficiently pumped after 2 full days bouldering, I drove to Montana to touch some real rocks. (cue Souls of Mischief song 93' til Infinity)

In Montana, after a 8 hr drive I thought it was a good idea to hit the local gym freestone with my good friend Dayton. Met Dayton in Thailand in March and he just moved to Missoula! We hit up the local sport crags the next day, did a multipitch in Blodgett Canyon with his best friend Alex the day after, and got flash pumped on a roof the day after that. (cue Kanye West's song Bad News) So at this point, I'm at day 7 of climbing, and we took a well deserved break exploring Glacier National Park.

Tomorrow I'm headed to Bozeman, meeting up with some friends from Patagonia and then off to the Tetons for some primo alpine climbing!

Stay stoked.  (cue Andrew Bayer's song Magitek)

Blue Mountains, Australia

Taipan Wall

Touchstone Pictures

Grampians Bouldering

Raging Bull

Mornings in Australia
Hawaii Seaside Bouldering
Hawaii Forest Bouldering 

Hawaii Sushi

Sam J
California Coastal hikes ft Nicole

Delores Park Slacklining ft. Alex 

Magical Sunrise ft. Nicole

Artem's first alpine climb ft. Mt Hood

Never gets old

Post climb parking lot ft. Chad

Montana sport crimpin

Blodgett Canyon Montana

Their longest multipitch ft. Dayton and Alex

Two Medicine Lakes, Glacier

1 comment:

  1. Your epic productivity and travel log is major inspo!!! Go girl. Good luck on the next round of adventures!
